Hi, I’m Alfredo Álvarez-Frías, the Lifestyle Pill Coach™.
You might be wondering how and why I came up with the alias. Well, for one, I never really liked calling myself a ‘dietitian’ (some have called me the type 2 diabetes remission dietitian and the fat loss dietitian). It implies that I only help people with their diet when, in fact, I help them with much more than that.
I’m passionate about nutrition and lifestyle research, and that’s basically how the Lifestyle Pill Coach™ came into existence: it embodies the integration of both sound science and the lifestyle factors which optimize health.
How can I serve you? I’ve worked in healthcare since 2015, and I’ve helped numerous action takers improve and put into remission lifestyle-related chronic diseases with lifestyle medicine. I can help you achieve your best blood sugars and your best body. I specialize in YOUR success!
See what health professionals have to say about me here!
If you’d like to work together, watch the free Type 2 Diabetes Remission Masterclass or Best Body Masterclass, answer a few questions in the application, and book a free strategy call to start the process!
Become the global leader in weight loss (fat loss) & type 2 diabetes remission by empowering acting-taking people to implement our lifestyle solution in a simple, personalized way, so it becomes the default, global intervention against obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Create a team of dedicated, Lifestyle Pill Coaches™ and fund independent, scientific research to optimize obesity and type 2 diabetes outcomes and help 100 million action-taking people lose at least 50 lb, plus help another 100 million achieve type 2 diabetes remission with our Lifestyle Pill Solution™.
Credentials & Certifications
– Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RD / RDN)
– Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) / Type 2 Diabetes Dietitian
– National Strength And Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT)
Coaching Specialties
– The Synergistic Seven™ (Personal Development, Meaningful Relationships, Stress Management, The Fiberterranian Diet™, Purposeful Exercise, Rejuvenative Sleep, Sun & Nature)
– Type 2 Diabetes Remission
– Prediabetes Remission
– Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver)
– Weight Loss / Fat Loss & Best Body Transformations™
– Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
– Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels)
– Strength Training and Calisthenics
A Few Things About Me
My favorite hobby is reading, and I do it every day. I believe you can’t achieve the highest level of wisdom without the prerequisite knowledge. Learning something new is one of the few invaluable things that makes me feel alive.
Strengthening the mind with reading is incomplete without fortifying the body with strength training. There’s something to be said about the self-growth that comes with pushing yourself physically and setting new personal bests, with only your intrinsic motivation propelling you to it.
Not understanding things bothers me, quite a bit, actually. I frequently look up things I don’t know or can’t remember. It’s a double-edge sword: I catch myself going down a rabbit hole more often than I’d like!
Efficaciousness, efficiency, discipline, persistence, and self-improvement are five elements which direct my life. I consistently challenge myself to be greater in everything I say or do, in the results I get for myself or others, and frequently strive to experience the little and the new with my loved ones; all while trying to take advantage of time a little better every day.
I am the creator of the Fiberterranian Diet™
Essentially, I’ve helped people focus on consuming individualized, therapeutic quantities of fiber every day. They’ve experienced great improvements in their weight and health: they improve and, in many cases, they’ve remitted their type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure levels, and obesity.
The research supports that consuming plenty of fiber daily is optimal for longevity, health, and the treatment of nutrition-related disease: no other single nutrient comes close in this regard. After all, the amount of fiber you eat every day is the best surrogate and predictor of your nutrition-related health status in the short-term and in the long-term.
More than 90% of American adult women and 97% of American adult men don’t get the minimum daily fiber target (14 grams per 1000 kcal), and very few get the optimal, therapeutic levels of fiber every day. Interestingly, 74% of Americans are overweight or have obesity and almost 90% of adults with diabetes also are overweight or have obesity. See the relationship here?
O’Keefe (2019) eloquently summarizes the connection between dietary fiber and health:
In 1969, Denis Burkitt published an article titled “Related disease–related cause?”, which became the foundation for Burkitt’s hypothesis. Working in Uganda, he noted that middle-aged people (40–60 years old) had a much lower incidence of diseases that were common in similarly aged people living in England, including colon cancer, diverticulitis, appendicitis, hernias, varicose veins, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and asthma, all of which are associated with lifestyles commonly led in high-income countries (HICs; also known as western diseases).
Following Cleave’s common cause hypothesis—which suggests that if a group of diseases occur together in the same population or individual, they are likely to have a common cause—Burkitt attributed these diseases to the small quantities of dietary fibre consumed in HICs due mainly to the over-processing of natural foods.
Nowadays, dietary fibre intake in HICs is around 15 g/day (well below the amount of fibre Burkitt advocated of >50 g/day which is associated with diets from rural, southern and eastern sub-Sahalean Africa). Since Burkitt’s death in 1993, his hypothesis has been verified and extended by large-scale epidemiological studies, which have reported that fibre deficiency increases the risk of colon, liver, and breast cancer and increases all cancer mortality and death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases, diabetes, and all non-cardiovascular, non-cancer causes.
Furthermore, mechanistic studies have now provided molecular explanations for these associations, typified by the role of short-chain fatty acids, products of fibre fermentation in the colon, in suppressing colonic mucosal inflammation and carcinogenesis. Evidence suggests that short-chain fatty acids can affect the epigenome through metabolic regulatory receptors in distant organs, and that this can reduce obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, allergy, and cancer. Diseases associated with high-income lifestyles are the most serious threat to health in developed countries, and public and governmental awareness needs to be improved to urge an increase in intake of fibre-rich foods.
[…] The evidence that suggests that increasing dietary fibre intake to 50 g/day is likely to increase lifespan, improve the quality of life during the added years, and substantially reduce health-care costs.